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On default, the education at the Doctoral School lasts 4 years (8 semesters).
The education ends after obtaining learning outcomes for qualifications at PRK level 8, which takes place when a student has completed the courses included in the educational programme for a given discipline and has submitted a doctoral dissertation together with a positive opinion of the supervisor(s).
The dissertation can be submitted before the period of 4 years, so the eduction can take less than 4 years.
The most imporant milestones of the eduction at our Doctoral School are as follows:
The number of teaching hours (apprenticeship training) every doctoral student must complete is regulated by the program of study. As of the 2024/2025 academic year, the applicable number of teaching hours (dimension of professional practice) for the first year is 0, while for the second, third and fourth years it is 30 hours.
Doctoral students in the “Implementing Doctorate” program are exempt from doing internships..
Apprenticeship training may only take place in the form of teaching or participation in the teaching of classes.
A doctoral student may apply to the Vice-Rector for teaching through the Dean of the Doctoral School for partial or complete exemption from apprenticeships due to internship in another university, undertaking a function of a contractor or manager of a project and other reasons described in the Regulations of the Doctoral School (§ 8 section 3).
A doctoral student can implement the internship only at the Wrocław University of Technology in Wrocław. It is not possible to realize the practice in branches.
For enrollment, please refer to the instructions.
To fill in the report for the year/semester, log in to the IT system of the Doctoral School.
Instructions for completing annual/semester report:
The rules of language training and certification of doctoral students of the Doctoral School in the field of knowledge of a modern foreign language at the Foreign Language Department of the Wroclaw University of Technology, as well as a list of recognized certificates and diplomas exempting them from the obligation to carry out the required coursework in the amount specified in the applicable curriculum are contained in the Internal Order 68/2021 Annex No. 1 can be found here.
The list of activities and documents for a doctoral student pursuing education at the Doctoral School can be found here.
The basis for exemption includes, but is not limited to, certificates and diplomas such as:
• lectorate implemented at the Department of Foreign Languages, Wrocław University of Science and Technology - levels C1.2 or C2.1,
• language course/assessment from the central examination - other universities - achieved level C1 or C2/ central examination passed at C1 or C2 levels,
• a document certifying the completion of higher education studies or postgraduate studies abroad or in the Republic of Poland - the language of instruction is recognized if the language of instruction was exclusively foreign.
For a full list of documents entitling to exemption from the obligation to carry out lectures, see ZW 133/2024 on the Rules of language training and certification of doctoral students of the Doctoral School in the field of knowledge of a modern foreign language at the Department of Foreign Languages of Wrocław University of Science and Technology.
Program of study (curriculum) depends on the academic year you started the eduction. Programs of study can be found here.
Yes, doctoral students are allowed to pursue courses outside the offer of the Doctoral School. To obtain permission from the Dean of the Doctoral School, please submit an application for a course outside the offered curriculum to our office. You can find a sample application form on our website:
If it becomes necessary to unsubscribe from a course, this should be done at the beginning of the semester—either during the enrollment adjustment period or immediately afterward. Withdrawal from a group started during the semester requires the consent of the teacher, and any grades issued will be considered. You cannot unsubscribe from a course once a grade has been assigned.
To confirm fulfillment of all program of study requirements, compare the listed courses on our website ( with those on card B in our system ( If any doubts or gaps arise, please contact the Doctoral School office.
The courses "Didactic of Higher Education I" and " Didactic of Higher Education II" are not compulsory courses for PhD students of the Doctoral School who started their training after 1.10.2022. However, according to ZW 75/2023 on the obligation for research and teaching staff of the Wroclaw University of Science and Technology to complete the "Higher Education Didactics Course", passing these courses is required in order to teach students as an employee of the Wroclaw University of Science Technology in the future.
This course is considered as an additional one, i.e. this course does not fall into the category of elective courses, and it is not a part of the Doctoral School curriculum.
Passing the course "Didactics of Higher Education I" allows to be exempted from the compulsory courses: “Personal development” and “Teaching skills”, as the course "Didactic of Higher Education I" provides the same learning outcomes as the two courses mentioned above. In order to do so, an application needs to be submitted to the Dean of the Doctoral School in our office. The application template is available on our website
At the end of the semester, please remember to provide proof of course credit and enter the credit grade in your semester/year report in the Reports system (add courses 'recognized on request').
The course "Research Skills" does not have to be taken in the discipline. The courses that are compulsory to be taken according to the discipline are:
- "Latest research trends in the discipline"
- "Reporting seminar of the discipline", which needs to be attended every summer semester.
As a general rule, courses in the Doctoral School are conducted on a full-time basis. Occasionally, some classes are held remotely, with the 'virtual classroom' designation on USOS WEB indicating the online form. Approval from the Dean of the Doctoral School is required for each instance of remote teaching. The leaders of the course (teacher) may request permission to teach remotely by providing reasons for the necessity of conducting the course online.
Doctorals students who are citizens of a Member State of the European Union or a Member State of the European Free Trade Agreement (EFTA) , residing in the territory of that State may benefit from healthcare on the same terms as Polish insured persons, provided they have a current European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) issued in the country of origin.
Doctoral students who are not citizens of a Member State of the European Union or a Member State of the European Free Trade Agreement (EFTA) who study in Poland and have a valid Pole's Card or have been recognized as persons of Polish origin within the meaning of repatriation regulations and are not subject to compulsory health insurance under another title, they can voluntarily insure themselves by concluding an appropriate agreement with the National Health Fund. In this situation, the health insurance contributions are paid by the Wrocław University of Science and Technology. For more details contact the Dean's Office.
Doctoral students who are not citizens of European Union Member States or a Member State of the European Free Trade Agreement (EFTA) and unable to prove a valid Pole's Card or a document certifying that they have been recognized as persons of Polish origin within the meaning of repatriation regulations, may conclude a voluntary health insurance contract with the National Health Fund and pay the monthly contribution be themselves. To this end, you should go to the Provincial Branch of the National Health Fund (NFZ) in Wrocław, to sign a voluntary health insurance contract.
More details on health insurance for foreigners can be found on the following webpages: