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Doctoral School

For candidates

Recruitment to the Doctoral School is conducted in the form of an open competition on the basis of the recruitment rules accepted by the Senate of Wrocław University of Science and Technology in the following scientific disciplines:

  1. Architecture and urban planning
  2. Automation, electronic, electrical engineering and space technologies
  3. Information and communication technology
  4. Biomedical engineering
  5. Chemical engineering
  6. Civil engineering, geodesy and transport
  7. Materials engineering
  8. Mechanical engineering
  9. Environmental engineering, mining, and energy
  10. Mathematics
  11. Chemical sciences
  12. Physical sciences
  13. Management and quality studies

More information on the admission procedure and detailed information on the candidate evaluation criteria  can be found here.

Five steps to Doctoral School

Basic information on Doctoral School

The main goal of our Doctoral School is to train essential skills and aptitude to prepare PhD students to conduct high-profile research at academic institutions, research centres, and industries. The PhD degree is awarded upon the completion of education at the Doctoral School, which lasts 4 years. The PhD students work towards their thesis, namely a reaserch project that involves an innovative solution to a well-defined scientific problem. Every doctoral student selects a supervisor from the list of WUST professors who guides the young researcher in their work and supports them in developing his/her own scientific profile. Apart from the work on the thesis, the doctoral program of study provides a general and thorough research training as well as training in the area of teaching, totalling 285 hours of courses and 90 hours of teaching to be delivered by the participants. The doctoral training in our Doctoral School is conducted in English and lasts 4 years

Every doctoral student prepares an individual study program formulated together with the doctoral dissertation supervisor. Obligatory courses included in the program of study are as follows (starting from academic year 2022/2023):

  • Recent Research Trends in the Scientific Discipline (30 hours)
  • Research Skills (30 hours)
  • Ethical and Legal Aspects of Scientific Activity (15 hours)
  • Teaching Skills (15 hours)
  • Personal Development (15 hours)
  • Seminars (60 hours, 4 sessions of 15 hours each)
  • Academic English (60 hours, 2 sessions of 30 hours each)
  • Elective Courses: A total of 60 hours, which may include basic science courses, specialized courses, or humanities courses.

The doctoral student chooses courses from the list of available courses proposed by the Doctoral School. Starting from October 1st, 2022 all courses are offered in English. Moreover, the PhD student may attend other courses and trainings, winter and summer PhD schools, etc.

After two years, every doctoral student has a mid-term evaluation performed by a committee comprising at least one external evaluator. The main objective of the mid-term evaluation is to validate the work done by the doctoral student in the first two years as well to review their plans for the next two years. A positive result of the mid-term evaluation is a necessary condition for the doctoral student to continue studying at the Doctoral School.

The academic year in Poland consists of the winter semester (October to February), the summer semester (February to June), and the periods during which no courses are held: Christmas, winter break (February), and Easter and summer holidays. Each semester comprises 15 weeks of instruction, followed by an examination period. Doctoral degree programs at our Doctoral School last 4 years (with possible extension of up to 2 years).

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