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Doctoral School



Files to download

Recruitment rules for the academic year 2025/2026 [ .pdf 526.53 KB ]

Recruitment rules for the Doctoral School of Wrocław University of Science and Technology for the academic year 2025/2026


Attachment to Internal Regulation No. 55/2024 [ .pdf 111.14 KB ]

Regulations on granting an increase in doctoral scholarships in connection with the participation of Wrocław University of Science and Technology in the Unite! alliance


Attachment No. 1 to Internal Regulation No. 55/2024 [ .docx 17.75 KB ]

Application form


Attachment No. 2 to Internal Regulation No. 55/2024 [ .pdf 94.70 KB ]

Evaluation criteria


Attachment to Internal Regulation No. 104/2024 [ .pdf 183.03 KB ]

Regulations for awarding minigrants to doctoral students of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology Doctoral School


Attachment No. 1 to Internal Regulation No. 104/2024 [ .docx 117.25 KB ]

Minigrants - application form (project description and budget planning)


Attachment No. 2 to Internal Regulation No. 104/2024 [ .docx 117.59 KB ]

Minigrants - assessment criteria


Attachment No. 4 to Internal Regulation No. 104/2024 [ .docx 119.50 KB ]

Minigrants - evaluation card


Attachment No. 5 to Internal Regulation No. 104/2024 [ .docx 115.03 KB ]

Minigrants - final report


Attachment to Internal Regulation No. 51/2024 [ .pdf 112.96 KB ]

Rules for awarding research scholarships to doctoral students from the Wrocław University of Science and Technology's own fund


Attachment No. 1 to Internal Regulation No. 51/2024 [ .pdf 192.87 KB ]

Application template


Attachment No. 2 to Internal Regulation No. 51/2024 [ .pdf 216.49 KB ]

Scoring of achievements and activity of doctoral students


Dean's Information No. 64/2020-2024 [ .pdf 194.94 KB ]

on the publication of the Rules for the evaluation of the achievements of doctoral students of the Doctoral School in the preparation of their dissertation and the re-ceipt of a doctoral scholarship of an increased amount


Attachment to ID No. 64/2020-2024 [ .pdf 120.12 KB ]

Rules for the evaluation of the achievements of doctoral students of the Doctoral School in the preparation of their dissertation and the receipt of a doctoral scholarship of an increased amount


Attachment No. 1 to ID No. 64/2020-2024 [ .pdf 189.15 KB ]

Application template


Attachment No. 2 to ID No. 64/2020-2024 [ .pdf 229.16 KB ]

Scoring of achievements and activity of doctoral students of the Doctoral School and the weighting for individual scientific disciplines


Attachment to Internal Regulation No. 50/2024 [ .pdf 104.58 KB ]

Regulations of Rector’s awards for doctoral students of the Doctoral School of Wrocław University of Science and Technology


Attachment. No. 1 to Internal Regulation No. 50/2024 [ .pdf 192.99 KB ]

Template of the application form for the Rector's award for outstanding academic achievement


Attachment. No. 2 to Internal Regulation No. 50/2024 [ .pdf 174.40 KB ]

Template of the application form for the Rector's award for organizational activities


Regulations of the WUST Doctoral School 2024 [ .pdf 286.99 KB ]

Regulations of the WUST Doctoral School, valid from 1.10.2024, Internal Regulation PO 20/2024


Dean's Information No. 67/2020-2024 [ .pdf 191.35 KB ]

on defining the mid-term evaluation schedule for doctoral students who started their studies in the academic year 2022/2023.


Attachment to ID No. 67/2020-2024 [ .pdf 133.97 KB ]

The mid-term evaluation schedule for doctoral students who started their studies in the academic year 2022/2023.


Attachment to Internal Regulation No. 15/2024 [ .pdf 207.10 KB ]

Regulations for awarding minigrants to doctoral students of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology Doctoral School


Attachment No. 1 to Internal Regulation No. 15/2024 [ .docx 24.96 KB ]

Minigrants for doctoral students - project description


Attachment No. 2 to Internal Regulation No. 15/2024 [ .docx 23.47 KB ]

Minigrants for doctoral students - budget planning


Attachment No. 3 to Internal Regulation No. 15/2024 [ .pdf 76.97 KB ]

Minigrants for doctoral students - assessment of the application


Attachment No. 4 to Internal Regulation No. 15/2024 [ .docx 24.70 KB ]

Minigrants for doctoral students - final report


Recruitment rules for the academic year 2024/2025 [ .pdf 489.90 KB ]

Recruitment rules for the Doctoral School of Wrocław University of Science and Technology for the academic year 2024/20245


Dean's Information No. 41/2020-2024 [ .pdf 183.48 KB ]

on determining the template of the individual educational plan


Attachment. No. 1 to ID No. 41/2020-2024 [ .pdf 172.05 KB ]

template of individual educational plan in polish


Attachment. No. 2 to ID No. 41/2020-2024 [ .pdf 160.81 KB ]

template of individual educational plan in english


Dean's Information No. 40/2020-2024 [ .pdf 205.38 KB ]

on the submission of a doctoral dissertation in a doctoral school, the verification of the acquired learning outcomes for qualifications at PRK level 8 and the completion of education in a doctoral school


Attachment. No. 1 to ID No. 40/2020-2024 [ .pdf 130.92 KB ]

template of the supervisor's opinion of the doctoral dissertation


Attachment. No. 2 to ID No. 40/2020-2024 [ .pdf 139.85 KB ]

template of a statement on the submission of the doctoral dissertation and on its originality, independent preparation and non-infringement of copyright


Attachment. No. 3 to ID No. 40/2020-2024 [ .pdf 174.42 KB ]

template of a report of the achievements obtained during education at the Doctoral School of Wrocław University of Science and Technology


Attachment. No. 4 to ID No. 40/2020-2024 [ .pdf 147.28 KB ]

template of a confirmation of completion of education at the Doctoral School of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology and the achievement of learning outcomes for the qualifications at the level 8 of the PQF


Dean's Information No. 39/2020-2024 [ .pdf 186.10 KB ]

on determining the template of the report on the implementation of the individual educational plan


Attachment. No. 1 to ID No. 39/2020-2024 [ .pdf 215.74 KB ]

template of the report on the implementation of the individual educational plan in Polish


Attachment. No. 2 to ID No. 39/2020-2024 [ .pdf 207.13 KB ]

template of the report on the implementation of the individual educational plan in English


Regulations of the WUST Doctoral School 2021 [ .pdf 299.53 KB ]

Regulations of the WUST Doctoral School, Internal Regulation PO 30/2021


ACT of 20 July 2018 The Law on Higher Education and Science [ .pdf 1.17 MB ]

The main law act in Poland related to higher education


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